Latitude: 32.819349, Longitude: 21.855208
Provenance: Google Earth
Latitude: 32.82035, Longitude: 21.85655
Provenance: Pleiades
Here be maps!
External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Cyrene forms part of Al Jabal al Akhdar
- Cyrene forms part of Cyrenaica (Kenrick)
- Cyrene forms part of Cyrenaica (Reynolds)
- Cyrene on (road/linear feature) Cyrene to Apollonia, road
- Cyrene on (road/linear feature) Cyrene to Ptolemais, road
- Cyrene forms part of Hexapolis (administrative area)
- Cyrene forms part of Libya Superior (Late Antiquity)
- Cyrene on (road/linear feature) Massah to Cyrene, road
- Cyrene forms part of Pentapolis (administrative area)
- Cyrene forms part of Pentapolis (episcopal diocese)
- Cyrene on (road/linear feature) Road, Cyrene to Beida
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Cyrene
- Acropolis ridge, Cyrene
- Beyond the city walls, Cyrene
- Cave of the Nymphs, Cyrene
- Central Quarter, Cyrene
- City Wall, Cyrene CHECK
- Cyrene Museum
- Mid-Roman defences, Cyrene
- North-East quarter, Cyrene
- Outer environs of Cyrene (Kenrick)
- Piazza Ghebab, Cyrene
- Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene
- Street of Battos, Cyrene
- Valley Street, Cyrene
- Wadi bel Ghadir, Cyrene
Related catalogue entries
- "Cyrene and Apollonia: An Historical Guide" by Richard Goodchild, SLS Archive
- Ain Wif-Gebel Nefusa, SLS Archive
- Cyrene, SLS Archive
- Notebook Pertaining to Various Libyan Archaeological Sites., SLS Archive
- Report on the Expedition to Apollonia by R.A.F. Laarbruch Sub-Aqua Club 12 - 19 October 1961., SLS Archive
- "Cyrene and Apollonia: An Historical Guide", by Richard Goodchild, SLS Archive
- Sheila Gibson Cyrene Drawings., SLS Archive
- John A. Allen Photographs of Cyrene., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Records from the Newcastle Archive., SLS Archive
- Cambridge Cyrenaican Expedition 1963., SLS Archive
- Colonel Hanmer Warrington's discoveries at Grenna (Cyrene) in 1827: contents list, SLS Archive
- 'Faculty of Art Cache': inventory of Rowe and Burney's possessions, SLS Archive
- 'Reconstructing Alan Rowe's Lost Cyrenaican Archaeology', SLS Archive
- 'Photographic list of tomb views in Cyrene. Dept. of Ant.', SLS Archive
- Scrapbook of storage packaging materials (containers), SLS Archive
- 'Persephone with Red Hair: Expedition's discoveries among the sarcophagi of Cyrene', SLS Archive
- 'Faceless goddess from Cyrene: Manchester Expedition finds head of Libyan Persephone', SLS Archive
- 'Manchester University Museum': photographs, SLS Archive
- Glass Lecture Slides, SLS Archive
- Alan Rowe correspondence, SLS Archive
- Richard Goodchild correspondence, SLS Archive
- 1955- 1956 Season photographs, SLS Archive
- 'Reconstucting Alan Rowe's Lost Cyrenaican Archaeology', SLS Archive
- 'Some details on the life of Olga Serafina Rowe (1905-1958)', SLS Archive
- 'Rowe's Cyrenaican Expeditions: my recording of Rowe's tombs in 1989-1998' scrapbook album, SLS Archive
- 'Carols in Cyrene', SLS Archive
- Cyrene fieldwork, SLS Archive
- 'Cyrene 1957 Season': Catalogue list, SLS Archive
- 'Rowe's excavations in the Necropolis of Cyrene 1957', SLS Archive
- Photographic film stills, SLS Archive
- 1956 Expedition, SLS Archive
- 1955 Expedition, SLS Archive
- Cyrene, SLS Archive
- 'Rowe's 1952 Photographic Record', SLS Archive
- Cyrene fieldwork negatives - file two, SLS Archive
- Cyrene fieldwork negatives - file one, SLS Archive
- Rowe II Photographs, SLS Archive
- Team members excavating in Cyrene, SLS Archive
- Excavation in Cyrene - group photograph, SLS Archive
- 'Rock Cut Tomb. N.241 (M.7)', SLS Archive
- Excavated finds in Cyrene, SLS Archive
- Cyrene excavation sites, SLS Archive
- Photographs, SLS Archive
- File Three, SLS Archive
- File Two, SLS Archive
- File One, SLS Archive
- File Eight, SLS Archive
- File Seven, SLS Archive
- File Six, SLS Archive
- File Five, SLS Archive
- File Four, SLS Archive
- File Three, SLS Archive
- File Two, SLS Archive
- File One, SLS Archive
- Alan Rowe Papers, SLS Archive
- 'Stranger in a Strange Land: The untold story of the 1909 Bates Expedition to Cyrene', SLS Archive
- 'The Cemeteries of Cyrene', SLS Archive
- 'Cyrene: Excavations, discoveries, medical work, items of current interest', SLS Archive
- Secondary material, SLS Archive
- The murder of Herbert De Cou, SLS Archive
- 'Cyrene material in the files of the Classical Department, MFA', SLS Archive
- The excavations of Richard Norton in Cyrene, SLS Archive
- Norton and Boston Archive, SLS Archive
- Aerial view photograph of the necropolis in Cyrene, SLS Archive
- Huntings Aerial Survey, SLS Archive
- Research notes, SLS Archive
- Richard Goodchild's correspondence (photocopies), SLS Archive
- Excavated sites, SLS Archive
- Photographs, SLS Archive
- Rowe's Expedition Cyrene 1957: List of Finds, SLS Archive
- Rowe's Expedition Cyrene 1956: List of Finds, SLS Archive
- Rowe's Expedition Cyrene 1955: List of Finds, SLS Archive
- Photographs, SLS Archive
- 'Persephone with Red Hair: Expedition's discoveries among the sarcophagi of Cyrene'' - Manchester Gu, SLS Archive
- 'With compliments, David Dixon', SLS Archive
- Excavation notes on Cyrene expeditions 1956/1957, SLS Archive
- Research notes, SLS Archive
- David Dixon Papers, SLS Archive
- Cyrene photographs, SLS Archive
- Rowe's Exhibition of 1958, SLS Archive
- Manchester Museum displays and exhibitions, SLS Archive
- 'Frank Jowett's 1947 notebook giving locations for his photographs', SLS Archive
- Cyrene photographs - transparent envelope, SLS Archive
- Cyrene photographs - coloured envelope, SLS Archive
- Small black photograph album - file two, SLS Archive
- Small black photograph album - file one, SLS Archive
- Cyrene photographs - Small black album, SLS Archive
- 'Cyrene and Ancient Cyrenaica: A Guide Book', SLS Archive
- Manuscript research notes and photocopies, SLS Archive
- Frank Jowett Papers, SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican Expedition site photographs, SLS Archive
- Photocopies of Plates from Cyrenaican Expedition., SLS Archive
- Film Thirteen., SLS Archive
- Film Ten., SLS Archive
- Film Nine., SLS Archive
- Film Three., SLS Archive
- Film Two., SLS Archive
- Film One., SLS Archive
- List of Derek Buttle's Prints., SLS Archive
- Photographs, SLS Archive
- Photocopies of Buttle's plates from thesis, with Thorn's accompanied manuscript notes, SLS Archive
- Photocopied plates from Buttle's thesis, SLS Archive
- Photocopied pages of plates from Buttle's thesis 'The Greek and Roman Architecture of Cyrene', SLS Archive
- The Greek and Roman architecture of Cyrene - Buttle's thesis (photocopy), SLS Archive
- The Greek and Roman architecture of Cyrene - Buttle's thesis(photocopy), SLS Archive
- The Greek and Roman architecture of Cyrene - First 43 pages of Buttle's thesis (photocopy), SLS Archive
- Letter from Buttle to Thorn., SLS Archive
- "Photocopy of pages from Buttle's Octavo Notebook"., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Expedition notebooks, SLS Archive
- Derek Buttle Papers., SLS Archive
- Negative Prints of Cyrene Tombs., SLS Archive
- Excavation Photographs of Tombs at Cyrene., SLS Archive
- Expedition Photographs of Cyrene and Other Cyrenaican Sites., SLS Archive
- Draft Figures and Plates for Publication., SLS Archive
- Plate XIII., SLS Archive
- Plate XI., SLS Archive
- Figures and Plates for "The Cemetaries of Cyreneaica"., SLS Archive
- Cassels Photograph Number 197., SLS Archive
- Photocopies of Photographs of Artifacts found by Rowe in 1952., SLS Archive
- Photocopied Records., SLS Archive
- Bibliographical Notes on Cyrene and Cyrenaica., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Expedition Notebooks., SLS Archive
- Letter from the British School at Rome Library to Thorn Regarding Records Relating to Cassels' Work , SLS Archive
- Letter from John Ward Perkins to Cassels Concerning Photographic Plates., SLS Archive
- Letter from Rowe to Cassels Concerning the Dating of Cyrene Tombs., SLS Archive
- Annotated maps of Cyrene (photocopies), SLS Archive
- 'A visit to Cyrene in 1895', SLS Archive
- Manuscript and Typescript research notes relating to Herbert Weld-Blundell, SLS Archive
- Various, SLS Archive
- Aerial Survey, 1949., SLS Archive
- African Expedition, 1968., SLS Archive
- Libya Expedition, 1968., SLS Archive
- Christian Monuments Other than Central Churches., SLS Archive
- Central Church., SLS Archive
- James and Dorothy Thorn: Report on Work Carried out in Cyrene in 1998., SLS Archive
- Report on Fieldwork in Libya, September 1992., SLS Archive
- Mr Thorn's Report to Council, 24 October 1990., SLS Archive
- Report on Fieldwork in Libya, 15 August - 1 September 1990., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1993., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Four, 1973 Revision., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Three, 1973 Revision., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Two, 1973 Revision., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet One, [1973] Revision., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, 1973 Revisions., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Four., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Three., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet Two., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene, Sheet One., SLS Archive
- The Ancient Field Systems of Cyrene., SLS Archive
- "Cyrene" (II), SLS Archive
- "Libya: Journey - Malta; Arrival Benghazi and Journey", SLS Archive
- Photograph shows a stone olive press., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, File Six., SLS Archive
- Photograph shows two men and a woman sitting on the steps of an ancient theatre, [possibly Cyrene?]., SLS Archive
- Photograph shows two people standing among ruins at Cyrene. There are pillars and pilasters in the f, SLS Archive
- Photograph shows building with Doric columns, Cyrene, Four people can be seen in the distance, betwe, SLS Archive
- Photograph shows wide-shot of a woman standing in an ancient theatre [possibly Cyrene?]., SLS Archive
- Photograph shows marble statues in a museum, [possibly Cyrene?]., SLS Archive
- Martyn and Audrey Webb Papers., SLS Archive
- SEM Analysis for Italian, Spanish and Other Amphorae., SLS Archive
- Notes Relating to Coarse Ware of Cyrenaica Photographs., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- "Coarse Ware of Cyenaica"., SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Stamp Rubbings., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Documents., SLS Archive
- Thin Sections from Cyrene and Euresperides., SLS Archive
- Index of Benghazi and Cyrene Coarseware and Tile Fragments., SLS Archive
- Index of Cyrenaican Pottery Fragments., SLS Archive
- "Imported Grain Mills at Cyrene"., SLS Archive
- Number Correlations of Cyrenaican Fabrics., SLS Archive
- Donald White Correspondence., SLS Archive
- 1979, SLS Archive
- John Riley Papers., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican Slides., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Field Systems., SLS Archive
- Notes and Sketches of a Variety of Libyan Sites., SLS Archive
- Other Site Files., SLS Archive
- Basilica Vetus and Curia., SLS Archive
- Notes on the Ancient Cities of Cyrenaica by Major John B. Ward Perkins., SLS Archive
- Statue of Alexander the Great., SLS Archive
- Postcards., SLS Archive
- Naval Monument at Cyrene., SLS Archive
- General Plan of Cyrenaica., SLS Archive
- Plan of Lower Area of Cyrene., SLS Archive
- General Plan of Cyrene., SLS Archive
- Maps and Plans., SLS Archive
- Photographic Slides., SLS Archive
- "Ware Fragments, Cyrene"., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- "Cyrene, Etc.", SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Draft Leaflet, "Greek and Roman Cyrene"., SLS Archive
- Notebook, "Cyrene Guide (Draft)"., SLS Archive
- Cedric N. Johns Papers., SLS Archive
- "Some Important Information About Who Drew What in [North] Africa.", SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica - 1971"., SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica Expedition, July - August 1955"., SLS Archive
- Excavation at Cyrene, 1911., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A5., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A1., SLS Archive
- General Cyrenaica Photographs., SLS Archive
- Cuttings Concerning Ancient Sites in Libya and North Africa., SLS Archive
- Maps and Plans., SLS Archive
- Newspaper Cutting, 'Among Ruins of Ancient Cyrene - A Boston Man's Big Work'., SLS Archive
- Report of Cyrene Expedition, April 1911., SLS Archive
- Notes on the Murder of Herbert Fletcher de Cou at Cyrene, 11 March 1911., SLS Archive
- American Archaeological Expedition at Cyrene, 11 March 1911., SLS Archive
- Articles and Papers., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Museum Catalogue., SLS Archive
- Expedition Notes., SLS Archive
- Cyrene Expeditions., SLS Archive
- Discoveries at Cyrene and Apollonia, 1913 - 1966., SLS Archive