Sīdī Khuraybīsh
Latitude: 32.13333, Longitude: 20.06667
Provenance: Geonames
Latitude: 32.124323, Longitude: 20.06377
Provenance: Google Earth
Here be maps!
External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Area (conceptual/geographic) , Funerary monument(s)/funerary area
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Sīdī Khuraybīsh forms part of Berenice
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Sīdī Khuraybīsh
- ‘Ayn as Salmānī
- Area A, Sidi Khrebish
- Area M, Sidi Khrebish
- Area P, Sidi Khrebish
- Area T, Sidi Khrebish
- Area W, Sidi Khrebish
- Area X, Sidi Khrebish
- Building H, Sidi Khrebish
- Building L, Sidi Khrebish
- Church, Sidi Khrebish
- Hellenistic Walls and Tower, Sidi Khrebish
- Lighthouse, Sidi Khrebish
- Mafluga, Sidi Khrebish
- Omar Mukhtar Street, Benghazi
- Very late Tower against church, Sidi Khrebish
Related catalogue entries
- Plans, SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous, SLS Archive
- Libyan Studies, Volume 17., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1981., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1979., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1977., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1976., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1974., SLS Archive
- UNESCO Libyan Valleys Civilisation Project., SLS Archive
- Documents Relating to Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, 1971 - 1973., SLS Archive
- Reports of Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, 1971 - 1972., SLS Archive
- Reports and Expedition Documents., SLS Archive
- Correspondence Between John Dore and Carolyn Dalles Regarding Damaged Mosaics at Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Letters from [John Riley?] to Joyce Reynolds Regarding Church at Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish: Volume III Correspondence., SLS Archive
- Correspondence Between the SLS and Archaeologists at Sidi Khrebish, 1971 - 1973., SLS Archive
- Correspondence for the 1973 Expedition., SLS Archive
- General Sidi Khrebish Expedition Correspondence., SLS Archive
- Correspondence., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Expeditions., SLS Archive
- Projects and Grants., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1997., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1988., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1986., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1984., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1983., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1981., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1977., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1975., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1972., SLS Archive
- Benghazi Drawings., SLS Archive
- Loose Section: Road Profile., SLS Archive
- Figure 71, Building L1., SLS Archive
- Figure 70, Capitals Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 69, Capitals Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 68, Altar, Moulding and Naiskos Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 67, Capitals and Bases Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 66, Dentil Blocks and Cornices Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 60, Monolithic Arch Drawing., SLS Archive
- Figure 59, Arch Drawing, Building L1, Arch Entrance., SLS Archive
- Figure 58, Entablature Drawing, Building L1., SLS Archive
- Figure 57, Elevation and Section Drawing, Building L1., SLS Archive
- Figure 56, Building L1., SLS Archive
- Figure 53, Hellenistic Buildings., SLS Archive
- Figure 50, Area M, Later Roman, Byzantine and Islamic Defences., SLS Archive
- Figure 47, Area J., SLS Archive
- Figure 43, J6, N-S Street Section., SLS Archive
- Figure 41, Building P1, Vats., SLS Archive
- Figure 37, Building H, Kiln., SLS Archive
- Figure 36, Building K1, Kiln A., SLS Archive
- Figure 35, Church Cistern., SLS Archive
- Figure 33, Water Sources Map., SLS Archive
- Figure 32, Church Phase Plan., SLS Archive
- Figure 31, Building BB., SLS Archive
- Figure 30, Building T., SLS Archive
- Figure 29, Building P4., SLS Archive
- Figure 28, Area P., SLS Archive
- Figure 27, Building S1 and Building S2., SLS Archive
- Figure 26, Area R., SLS Archive
- Figure 25, Area R., SLS Archive
- Figure 22, Building L3,Builidng L4 and Building L5., SLS Archive
- Figure 21, Buildings L3, Building L4 and Building L5., SLS Archive
- Figure 20, Building L1., SLS Archive
- Figure 19, Area J., SLS Archive
- Figure 16, Area R, E-W Wall., SLS Archive
- Figure 10, Building A1, E Wall., SLS Archive
- Figure 9, Building A1, N Wall., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Cyrenaican Photographs., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Micrographs., SLS Archive
- Ajdabiyah and Sidi Khrebish Sherds., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Coarse Ware., SLS Archive
- Selmani Coarse Ware., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- Contact Sheets., SLS Archive
- Prints., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous "Coarse Ware of Cyrenaica"., SLS Archive
- Selmani Finds in Museum., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Coarse Ware Types., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- Prints., SLS Archive
- SK74001 - SK74004., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- Contact Sheets., SLS Archive
- Film 3 - Film 15., SLS Archive
- Prints., SLS Archive
- Film A - Film X., SLS Archive
- "Coarse Ware of Cyenaica"., SLS Archive
- "Excavations at Sidi Khrebish Benghazi (Berenice): Volume II"., SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Quantification Tables for Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Documents., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican Petrological Analysis., SLS Archive
- Samples for Neutron Activation Analysis from Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Murex Shells from Sidi Khrebish., SLS Archive
- Samples and Thin Sections., SLS Archive
- Index of Benghazi Pottery Fragments., SLS Archive
- Benghazi File., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Catalogue: Various., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Catalogue: Bowls (II)., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Catalogue: Bowls (I)., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Catalogue: Amphora, Jugs and Jars., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Catalogue and Sites Other than Benghazi., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish 1971 - 1972: Coarse Pottery Type., SLS Archive
- "Typology and Counts and Weights"., SLS Archive
- Apollonia Catalogue., SLS Archive
- Number Correlations of Cyrenaican Fabrics., SLS Archive
- Catalogues and Notebooks., SLS Archive
- John Lloyd Correspondence., SLS Archive
- John Hayes Correspondence., SLS Archive
- 1974, SLS Archive
- 1972, SLS Archive
- John Riley Papers., SLS Archive
- Manuscript Index of Sidi Khrebish Lamps., SLS Archive
- Donald M. Bailey and David Whitehouse Papers., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican Slides., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Notes Regarding Sabratha., SLS Archive
- Photographs of Sidi Khrebish, Berenice, SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Libya Material., SLS Archive
- Sidi Khrebish Expedition Documents., SLS Archive