Latitude: 32.901, Longitude: 21.971
Provenance: Google Earth
Latitude: 32.89795, Longitude: 21.964 , Altitude: 1m
Provenance: Geonames
Here be maps!
External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Susah forms part of Cyrenaica (Kenrick)
- Susah forms part of Cyrenaica (Reynolds)
- Susah on (road/linear feature) Cyrene to Apollonia, road
- Susah forms part of Hexapolis (administrative area)
- Susah forms part of Libya Superior (Late Antiquity)
- Susah forms part of Pentapolis (administrative area)
- Susah forms part of Pentapolis (episcopal diocese)
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Susah
- Acropolis, Apollonia
- Apollonia Museum
- Apollonia: Filtro
- Aqueduct, Apollonia
- Artificial entrance channel, Apollonia
- Byzantine Building at West Gate, Apollonia
- Byzantine Building west of East Church, Apollonia
- Byzantine warehouses, Apollonia
- Central Church, Apollonia
- City Wall, Apollonia
- Early shipsheds, Apollonia
- East Church, Apollonia
- East Necropolis, Apollonia
- Extra-Mural Church, Apollonia
- Inner (West) Harbour, Apollonia
- Kallikrateia Rock, Apollonia
- Later shipsheds, Apollonia
- Lighthouse, Apollonia
- Mausoleum, Apollonia
- Modern Village, Apollonia
- Outer (East) Harbour, Apollonia
- Palace of the Dux, Apollonia
- Platform for Temple, Apollonia
- Roman Baths, Apollonia
- Sea Shore, Apollonia
- South Gate, Apollonia
- Theatre, Apollonia
- Towers guarding harbour entrance, Apollonia
- Tumulus burial, Apollonia
- Warehouses, Apollonia
- West Church, Apollonia
- West Necropolis, Apollonia
Related catalogue entries
- "Cyrene and Apollonia: An Historical Guide" by Richard Goodchild, SLS Archive
- Report on the Expedition to Apollonia by R.A.F. Laarbruch Sub-Aqua Club 12 - 19 October 1961., SLS Archive
- Archaeological Report on the Cambridge University Expedition of Apollonia, 1958., SLS Archive
- Expedition Reports., SLS Archive
- Correspondence., SLS Archive
- Apollonia Expeditions., SLS Archive
- Richard Goodchild Papers., SLS Archive
- "Cyrene and Apollonia: An Historical Guide", by Richard Goodchild, SLS Archive
- Photographic Plates for "Libyan Studies"., SLS Archive
- Reynolds, J.M. and Goodchild, R.G., "The city lands of Apollonia in Cyrenaica", Libya Antiqua, Volum, SLS Archive
- Photographs from excavations, SLS Archive
- 1994 Addendum of Objects Found (Sousa), SLS Archive
- Photocopies of photographs of Cyrenaica, SLS Archive
- Various, SLS Archive
- Aerial Survey, 1949., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Notebook, Christian Monuments., SLS Archive
- The Five Cities., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Christian Items., SLS Archive
- Funerary Chapel and Building by the West Gate., SLS Archive
- General Christian Architecture., SLS Archive
- "Cyrene" (II), SLS Archive
- "Libya", SLS Archive
- "Cyrene", SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- Contact Sheet., SLS Archive
- Prints., SLS Archive
- Apollonia Store., SLS Archive
- "Coarse Ware of Cyenaica"., SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Clippings from Cyrenaica Cooking Ware., SLS Archive
- Samples and Thin Sections., SLS Archive
- Index of Cyrenaican Pottery Fragments., SLS Archive
- Apollonia Catalogue., SLS Archive
- Number Correlations of Cyrenaican Fabrics., SLS Archive
- Catalogues and Notebooks., SLS Archive
- John Lloyd Correspondence., SLS Archive
- John Riley Papers., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican Slides., SLS Archive
- Notes and Sketches of a Variety of Libyan Sites., SLS Archive
- Notes on the Ancient Cities of Cyrenaica by Major John B. Ward Perkins., SLS Archive
- General Plan of Cyrenaica., SLS Archive
- Negatives of " Mostly Apollonia.", SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Libya Material., SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica - 1971"., SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica - 1971"., SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica Expedition, May 1969"., SLS Archive
- "Cyrenaica Expedition, July - August 1955"., SLS Archive
- Maps, Plans and Drawings., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A5., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A2., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A1., SLS Archive
- General Cyrenaica Photographs., SLS Archive
- Maps and Plans., SLS Archive
- The City Defences., SLS Archive
- The Topography of Apollonia., SLS Archive
- Article, 'Apollonia Revisited' by Nicholas Flemming., SLS Archive
- The Roman Public Baths: Apollonia Chapter., SLS Archive
- Articles and Papers., SLS Archive
- Discoveries at Cyrene and Apollonia, 1913 - 1966., SLS Archive
- A Preliminary Catalogue of the Coins from Apollonia, 1965 and 1966 Season., SLS Archive
- Catalogues and Inventories., SLS Archive