Latitude: 30.75545, Longitude: 20.22625 , Altitude: 3m
Provenance: Geonames
Latitude: 30.4568, Longitude: 20.1317
Provenance: Kenrick GPS
Here be maps!
External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Ajdabiya on (road/linear feature) Coast Road, Carthage - Alexandria
- Ajdabiya forms part of Sites to the south of Benghazi (Kenrick)
- Ajdabiya forms part of South of Berenike (Reynolds)
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Ajdabiya
Related catalogue entries
- Ain Wif-Gebel Nefusa, SLS Archive
- Ajdabiya, SLS Archive
- Plans and maps relating to excavations at Ajdabiyah, SLS Archive
- Sabkhat Ghuzayyil (Sheet NH 34-10), SLS Archive
- Ajdabiyah (Sheet NH 34-6), SLS Archive
- Photographic Plates for "Libyan Studies"., SLS Archive
- Field Notes and Drawings on Gsur, Agedabia [Ajdabiya] to Benghazi and Ghemines Area., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1976., SLS Archive
- Society Correspondence, 1975., SLS Archive
- SEM Analysis for Italian, Spanish and Other Amphorae., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaican SEM and Petrological Micrographs., SLS Archive
- Ajdabiyah and Sidi Khrebish Sherds., SLS Archive
- Negatives., SLS Archive
- Contact Sheets., SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous "Coarse Ware of Cyrenaica"., SLS Archive
- "Coarse Ware of Cyenaica"., SLS Archive
- Photographs., SLS Archive
- Thin Sections from Cyrenaica Sites., SLS Archive
- Index of Cyrenaican Pottery Fragments., SLS Archive
- "Pre-Islamic Pottery from Ajdabiyah"., SLS Archive
- "Islamic Wares from Ajdabiyah"., SLS Archive
- SEM Analysis for a Variety of Libyan Sites., SLS Archive
- Ajdabiyah Glazed Ware: Typology and Catalogue., SLS Archive
- Number Correlations of Cyrenaican Fabrics., SLS Archive
- Catalogues and Notebooks., SLS Archive
- John Lloyd Correspondence., SLS Archive
- Undated Correspondence., SLS Archive
- 1980, SLS Archive
- 1975, SLS Archive
- John Riley Papers., SLS Archive