Byzantine Building west of East Church, Apollonia



Latitude: 32.901846, Longitude: 21.971199 , Altitude: 1m

Provenance: Google Earth

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Variant names

  • Ilot à l'Ouest de l'église orientale (French)
  • Residential Insula (English)
  • Tempio bizantino di Iside (Italian)

Feature type(s)

Farm/shop/production centre , Temple/altar/polytheist building(s)

Relationships with other locations

Parent features

  • Byzantine Building west of East Church, Apollonia forms part of Susah

Child features


Architectural complex on the West side of the East Church in Apollonia. Excavated in 1954-55, it was thought to be a temple of Isis by Stucchi. According to Kenrick, it is more likely to be a small production centre, maybe for the fermentation of wine. Kenrick, site plan 18.

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