Abu Njaym
Latitude: 30.578145, Longitude: 15.412889
Provenance: Google Earth
Latitude: 30.5764395, Longitude: 15.4027724 , Altitude: 86m
Provenance: Kenrick GPS
Latitude: 30.58165, Longitude: 15.39579 , Altitude: 77m
Provenance: Geonames
Latitude: 30.596161, Longitude: 15.406692
Provenance: Pleiades
External URIs
Variant names
- ابو نجيم (Arabic)
- بو نجيم (Arabic)
- Abū Nujaym
- Bu Dgem
- Bu Djem (English)
- Bu Ngem
- Bū Nijīm (English)
- Bu Njem
- Bū Nujaym
- Bu-Ngem
- Bunjaym (English)
- Chol
- Gholaia (Latin)
- Golaia (Latin)
- Golas
- Ngem
- Qaryat Abū Nujaym
Feature type(s)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Abu Njaym forms part of Africa Proconsularis (Roman province)
- Abu Njaym forms part of Outlying Oases (Reynolds)
- Abu Njaym forms part of The pre-desert zone (Kenrick)
- Abu Njaym forms part of Tripolitana (Mattingly)
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Abu Njaym
- Cemetery, Bu Njem
- Fort, Bu Njem
- Temple of Jupiter Ammon, Bu Njem
- Temple of Mars Cannaphar
- Town, Bu Njem
The limitane settlements of the frontier zone lay behind a protective line of fortresses and pushed forward as an outpost on the line of the other two main routes from the interior. Bu-Ngem was essentially a military station, and it is doubtful as to whether settled life outlasted the formal occupation of the fortress.
Related catalogue entries
- Bu-Ngem, SLS Archive
- Bu Ngem, SLS Archive
- "Distribution map of tombs", SLS Archive
- Maps, SLS Archive
- Rebuffat, R. and Marichal, R., "Les ostraca de Bu Njem", Revue des Etudes Latines, Volume 51, pp. 28, SLS Archive
- Rebuffat, R., "Gholaia (notes et documents VI)", Libya Antiqua, Volume 9 - 10, pp. 135 - 145., SLS Archive
- Rebuffat, R., "L'arrivée des Romains à Bou Njem (notes et documents V)", Libya Antiqua, Volume 9 - 1, SLS Archive
- Rebuffat, R., "Les inscriptions des portes du camp de Bu Njem (notes et documents IV)", Libya Antiqu, SLS Archive
- Boyer, R., Fattori, Y. and Rebuffat, R., "Bu Njem. Notes et documents", Libya Antiqua, Volume 6 - 7,, SLS Archive
- African Expedition, 1968., SLS Archive
- African Expedition, 1958., SLS Archive
- Volume Two., SLS Archive
- Volume Four., SLS Archive
- Volume Three., SLS Archive
- Libya Expedition, 1968., SLS Archive
- Libya Expedition, 1965 (I)., SLS Archive
- African Expedition, 1958., SLS Archive
- Bu Njem Slides., SLS Archive
- Photographic Slides., SLS Archive
- Mounted Libya Expedition Photographs., SLS Archive