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Reference - SLS/D41/3/4/2/12
Extent - 214 pages
Calm Format - Publication
'Book published by The Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya (being proceedings of its tenth annual field conference). Includes two contributions by Richard Goodchild: "Graeco-Roman Cyrenaica" and "Earthquakes in Ancient Cyrenaica", totalling 12 pages. The book is dedicated to his memory. There are two other contributions in the Archaeology section: "Place-names of Cyrenaica" by Philp Ward (Oasis Oil Company of Libya Inc) and "Pleistocene and Early Post-Pleistocene Archaeology of Libya" by C B M McBurney (Faculty of Archaeology and Anthopology, University of Cambridge). The book\'s "Archaeology" section includes black and white photographs, maps and drawings.'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D41/3/4/2/12; Reference - SLS/D41/3/4/2/12;