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Reference - SLS/D24/4/2/2/2

Extent - 156 pages

Calm Format - Document


'Manuscript notes, drawings and correspondence pertaining to Fezzan finds; contains sections on Metal/Ores; Fabric and Impress; Bones; Grain; Wood/Charcoal; Stone - Glaze Small Finds; Stone Implements Etc; For Analysis; Beads - Shells; Hair-Organic-Fibers; Coins and Photographs. Material is present relating to various sites in the Fezzan region including (but not limited to) Germa, SGB (Saniat Gebril), Tekertibah [Takarkiba, Uatuat and Zinchecra.', Correspondence is present involving D.R. Brothwell, Raymond Chaplin, Daniels, Margaret Guido, Dr Hans Helbaek and John Peter. There is also additional notes concerning bones at the end of the file, these were placed loosely within the ring-binder which originally held the records.'

Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.

Former Reference - D24/4/2/2/2; Reference - SLS/D24/4/2/2/2;