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Reference - SLS/D15/1/5/1
Extent - 431 items
Calm Format - Photograph
'Slides were contained in a metal box labelled "Cyrenaica" and grouped together in sets of three. Includes journey through France and onwards to Cyrene. Thereafter follow images of Cyrene and other (mostly unnamed) sites in Libya. Named sites included Augila, Lamluda and the sand sea of Kalansho. Later-numbered slides include southern Italy and Aden, with the last in the sequence (slide 26, group 150) labelled "England, 1st Landfall, Dec 27 1958". There are 6 slides not numbered as part of the sequence (developed in October 1963), along with 5 glass slides. These 11 slides do not seem to belong with the rest.'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D15/1/5/1; Reference - SLS/D15/1/5/1;