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Reference - SLS/D5
Extent - 31 boxes
'Correspondence, field notes, drawings, publication drafts, reports, and photographs pertaining to excavations directed by Dame Kathleen Kenyon and John Ward Perkins at Sabratha, Tripolitania. With the exception of a small amount of photographs of Lepcis Magna, the entire collection pertains to Sabratha.', The material within the collection relates to the Forum, East Forum Temple, Capitolium, Basilica/Church and Temple of Sarapis, insulae, the Severan Monument, the Theatre, the Byzantine Defences and the Harbour, and on the pottery.', The collection contains material relating to the publication of "Excavations at Sabratha, 1949 - 1951," written by Philip Kenrick and based on the excavations led by Kenyon and Ward Perkins. The monograph was published by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies for the Society for Libyan Studies , Gloucester, 1986. Also present are notes and drawings relating to the Sabratha Finds Project which was carried out in the Univeristy of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986 - c1989.', As both of these projects used the original excavation records extensively before they became part of the Society for Libyan Studies Archive, their records have been maintained within the collection.'
'The collection has been arranged into fourteen series:', 1. Correspondence', 2. Expedition Notebooks', 3. Expedition Notes', 4. John Ward Perkins Files', 5. Sabratha Finds Registers', 6. Indices of Finds', 7. "Excavations at Sabratha, 1949 - 1951"', 8. The Hellenistic Black Glazed Wares by Molly Aylwin Cotton', 9. Sabratha Finds Project', 10. Pottery and Finds Drawings', 11. Miscellaneous Documents', 12. Photographs', 13. Negatives', 14. Maps and Plans'
Custodian History
'The material was used by Philip M. Kenrick in the production of the final Sabratha Excavation Report. They were then received by the Society for Libyan Studies in 1986 who used them to prepare a report on Sabratha coarse ware. Following this, they were deposited into the Society for Libyan Studies Archive by John Dore in July, 1989.'
Related materials
'John Ward Perkins Papers, D3.', G.D.B. "Barri" Jones and John Ward Perkins Papers, D10.', Dorothy Marshall Photographs, D19'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D5; Reference - SLS/D5;
Within this fonds:
Correspondence. » see more
Expedition Notebooks. » see more
Expedition Notes. » see more
John Ward Perkins Files. » see more
Sabratha Finds Registers. » see more
Indices of Finds. » see more
"Excavations at Sabratha, 1949 - 1951". » see more
"The Hellenistic Black Glazed Wares" by Molly Aylwin Cotton. » see more
Sabratha Finds Project. » see more
Pottery and Finds Drawings. » see more
Miscellaneous Documents. » see more
Photographs. » see more
Negatives. » see more
Maps and Plans. » see more