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Reference - SLS/D1/2/1/2/4
Extent - 17 pages
Calm Format - Document
'Manuscript letter from Jim G. Crow, Director of Excavations, Hadrian\'s Wall Estate at the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty, Northumberland, to Smith regarding the Tocra publication. The letter is accompanied by material contained within a folder which was labelled "Tocra Sites." The file includes "Tocra - Site notebook notes on Buildings and other structures," chapter titles for publication on Tocra and typed notes regarding Ghirza, Tocra, Great Weldon, the Museum of Antiquities and grants received, 1972 - 82.'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1/2/1/2/4; Reference - SLS/D1/2/1/2/4;
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