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Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/2/6
Extent - 60 pages
Calm Format - Document
'Correspondence regarding botanical samples taken from Ghirza. The correspondence involves the following individuals: David J. Smith; Sir George Taylor, Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, Richmond, Surrey; J.W. Cornwall, Insitute of Archaeology, University of London; Graeme Barker, Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Sheffield; Marijke van der Veen, Department of Prehistory, University of Sheffield; Charlotte Tagart; Geraint Dyfed Barri Jones, Department of Archaeology at the University of Manchester and Olwen Brogan (c/o Hackett). The file contains manuscript notes on the botanical remains at Ghirza writen by Marijke van der Veen (1 March 1981, 13 pages).'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1/1/1/2/6; Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/2/6;
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