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Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/2/1
Extent - 19 pages
Calm Format - Document
"Letters from Olwen Brogan to David J. Smith regarding publication or lecture on Ghirza including references to a selection of photographs of Ghirza taken by Charles Daniels. One of Brogan's letters encloses a manuscript letter sent by E.W. Bovill regarding Caputo's Fezzan 'sanctuary' (17 - 21 December 1958, 7 pages). The file also includes a letter from R.W. Pinder-Wilson of the Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum, London, pertaining to a Ghirza fragment (8 March 1956, 1 page)."
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1/1/1/2/1; Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/2/1;
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