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Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/1/4
Extent - 110 pages
Calm Format - Document
"Correspondence relating to expeditions to Ghirza. The correspondence is primarily between David J. Smith and Olwen Brogan but also involves F.H. Hughes [Thompson? of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Donald B. [Haiden?, Hawthorn, Victoria; Glenys [Lloyd-Morgan, Curator of Grosvenor Museum, Chester and Glen Budge, Assistant Librarian at King's College, Newcastle Upon Tyne. The letters pertain to the Ghirza Expedition Fund, sites to be visited and photographs."
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1/1/1/1/4; Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/1/4;
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