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Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/1/3
Extent - 208 pages
Calm Format - Document
'Correspondence regarding expedition to Ghirza in 1957. The correspondence consists primarily of letters from Olwen Brogan to David. J. Smith. Letters pertain to Visas, travel lists, claims for expenses, photographs taken by Charles M. Daniels, Department of Classics, King\'s College, Newcastle, and material found on the expedition (pottery and coins, for example). The file also includes correspondence between Brogan/Smith and [Corporal Montgomery A.M., R.E. Establishment, Tripolitania; Dr Hans Weis, Vienna III, Custozzagasse; Jack Keelan, "Lynwood," Mayfield Avenue, Dorset; R.H, Pinder-Wilson, British Museum, London; Jerry [no surname provided, Lichfield Road, Rushall, Walsall; Ray Taylor, The Durham College in the University of Durham.'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1/1/1/1/3; Reference - SLS/D1/1/1/1/3;
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