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Reference - SLS/D1
Extent - 16 archive boxes and [outsize]
"Correspondence, notes, draft publications, photographs and plans relating to Smith's work in Libya. The papers primarily concern Smith's work on Ghirza in Tripolitania and Tocra in Cyrenaica but there is also material present relating to other, smaller sites in Libya and Northern Africa. The collection contains papers and photographs belonging to Richard Goodchild and Donald Strong which appear to have been donated to the Society for Libyan Studies Archive as part of the larger Smith collection."
'The collection has been arranged into twelve series;', 1. Ghirza Expeditions', 2. Tocra Expeditions', 3. Libyan Expeditions', 4. General Correspondence', 5. General Articles, Publications and Reports.', 6. Historical Conference, "Libya in History" at the University of Libya', 7. Richard Goodchild Papers', 8. Donald Strong Papers', 9. Press and Newspaper Cuttings', 10. Miscellaneous Documents', 11. Photographs', 12. Maps, Plans and Drawings.', u"The first two series relate to Smith's work at Ghirza and Tocra as Smith appears to have carried out the vast majority of his work on these two sites. Within these series, the records have been arranged by format, eg. correspondence, excavation notes, reports and publication drafts.", Libya Expeditions, General Correspondence and General Articles, Publications and Reports feature correspondence, notes and papers which relate to other Libyan sites. These have been arranged into more general series as there is not a substantial amount of material present on these sites.', The Richard Goodchild Papers have been arranged by subject and subsequently by format within these subseries.', Press and Newspaper Cutting have been arranged by publication and chronologically (eg. The Sunday Ghibli, The Libyan Times...) with the exception of files of newspaper cuttings. These were assembled by Smith and have been maintained in their original order.', Miscellaneous Documents features any document-based material which did not fit into any of the series defined above.', All photographs, apart from those which were inserted into files by Smith, have been arranged in their own series. The Photograph series has been arranged by subject matter. Similarly, the Maps and Plans series has been arranged by subject.'
Custodian History
'The collection was desposited to the Society for Libyan Studies Archive by David J. Smith in 1988.'
Related materials
'Jeremy Johns and David J. Smith Material.'
Notes - Catalogued, Access by appointment. Letter of introduction required.
Former Reference - D1; Reference - SLS/D1;
Within this fonds:
Ghirza Expeditions. » see more
Tocra Expeditions. » see more
Libyan Expeditions. » see more
General Correspondence. » see more
General Articles, Publications, and Reports. » see more
Historical Conference,"Libya in History" at the University of Libya. » see more
Richard Goodchild Papers. » see more
Donald Strong Papers. » see more
Press and Newspaper Cuttings. » see more
Miscellaneous Documents. » see more
Photographs. » see more
Maps, Plans and Drawings. » see more