Tripolitana (region)
No specific coordinates recorded for this feature
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External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Area (conceptual/geographic)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Tripolitana (region)
Roman period
Related catalogue entries
- Tripolitania Expedition 1973, SLS Archive
- "Fig 2 - Modern routes and ancient sites in Tripolitania", SLS Archive
- "Fig 2 - Modern routes and ancient sites in Tripolitania", SLS Archive
- Oasis Oil Company Libya: Sketch map of Central Tripolitania and northern Fezzan (Road Information), SLS Archive
- Unnamed topographical map bounded by Nalut in the west and Jadu in the east, SLS Archive
- Two copies of map entitled "Fig 2 - Clausura - south of Al Asabaa in the Tripolitanean Jebel", SLS Archive
- "Libyans and the 'Limes': Culture and Society in Roman Tripolitania", by D J Mattingly, SLS Archive
- Photocopied extract from book: "Recherches sur le Limes Tripolitanus du Chott el-Djerid à la frontiè, SLS Archive
- "Inscriptions de la Tripolitaine Romaine a Propos d'un Livre Récent", by H G Pflaum, SLS Archive
- "Inscriptions in the Libyan Alphabet from Tripolitania and Some Notes on the Tribes of the Region", , SLS Archive
- "Notes from the Tripolitanian Pre-Desert, 1967", by Olwen Brogan and David Smith, SLS Archive
- "First and Second Century Settlement in the Tripolitanian Pre-Desert", by Olwen Brogan, SLS Archive
- Papers relating to the Libyan Valleys Project (1979), SLS Archive
- Typescripts relating to the Limes Tripolitanus, SLS Archive
- Typescripts relating to article "First and Second Century Settlement in the Tripolitanian Pre-Desert, SLS Archive
- Notes for "Libya Antiqua" article "Ancient Sites in Eastern Tripolitania", SLS Archive
- Water supply in Roman Tripolitania, SLS Archive
- Cambridge Tripolitania Expedition 1960., SLS Archive
- Brogan, O., "Some ancient sites in Eastern Tripolitania", Libya Antiqua, Volume 13 - 14, pp. 93 - 12, SLS Archive
- Brogan, O., "Inscriptions in the Libyan alphabet from Tripolitania, and some notes on the tribes of , SLS Archive
- Antiquities in Cyrenaica : Report by Major C. G. C. Hyslop, R. E. Antiquities Officer Tripolitania &, SLS Archive
- Extract of Publication Concerning Semi-Nomadism in Tripolitania., SLS Archive
- Extracts from Articles Regarding Lepcis Magna., SLS Archive
- T.J. O'Leary, ''Roman Tripolitania: A Preliminary Regional Analysis"., SLS Archive
- Lecture Notes on Tripolitania., SLS Archive
- Other Site Files., SLS Archive
- Photograph of Two Unidentified Men at a Tripolitanian Site., SLS Archive
- Series C.L.M. Number 1242., SLS Archive
- Series C.L.M. Number 1241., SLS Archive
- Tripolitania., SLS Archive
- "Rough Notes by MJW, 1960", SLS Archive