Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene
Latitude: 32.82674, Longitude: 21.86335
Provenance: Livius
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External URIs
Variant names
Feature type(s)
Temple/altar/polytheist building(s)
Relationships with other locations
Relationships with other locations
This displays relationships with locations within which the item falls, and relationships which it contains. We only display the immediate relationships, not a full series. If a location falls within Cyrene, we do not also display its relationship to Cyrenaica; similarly, if Cyrene contains the Agora, we do not also display the items within the Agora at the same level.Parent features
Related locations
This is a location within which a location falls. Most of these are conceptual – for example a Roman Province, a Hellenistic Kingdom or the chapter of a book – so many locations have multiple parent locations.- Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene forms part of Cyrene
Child features
Inverted related locations
These are locations contained within the location – these may, for example be monuments within a settlement, or zones within a cityThe locations below are contained within Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene
- Agora of the Gods, Cyrene
- Altar of Apollo, Cyrene
- Baths of Paris, Cyrene
- Baths of Trajan, Cyrene
- Byzantine Baths, Cyrene
- Doric Fountain, Cyrene
- Doric Treasury/Temple of Zeus Ombrios, Cyrene
- Exedra of Apollo Karneios, Cyrene
- Fountain of Philothales, Cyrene
- Fountain Terrace, Cyrene
- Greek Propylaeum, Cyrene
- Greek Theatre, Cyrene
- Grotto of the Priests, Cyrene
- Myrtle Bower, Cyrene
- Naiskos of the Carneadae, Cyrene
- North Gate, Cyrene
- Roman House, Cyrene
- Roman Propylaeum, Cyrene
- Shrine of Serapis, Cyrene
- Shrine of the Dioscuri, Cyrene
- Spring of Kura, Cyrene
- Stepped Portico, Cyrene
- Strategheion, Cyrene
- Tempietto degli Ortostati Appaiati
- Temple of Apollo Nymphagetes, Cyrene
- Temple of Apollo, Cyrene
- Temple of Artemis, Cyrene
- Temple of Asklepios, Sanctuary of Apollo
- Temple of Athena, Cyrene
- Temple of Hades, Cyrene
- Temple of Hecate, Cyrene
- Temple of Isis, Cyrene
- Temple of Jason Magnus, Cyrene
- Temple of Latona, Cyrene
- Temple of the Petal Mosaic, Cyrene
- Wall of Nicodamos, Cyrene
- West Temple 1, Cyrene
- West Temple 2, Cyrene
Large sacred area in Cyrene; Kenrick, Chapter 6, section
Related catalogue entries
- Manuscript research notes and photocopies, SLS Archive
- 'Spool 7' 1952 Expedition photographs, SLS Archive
- 'Spool 7' 1952 Expedition photographs, SLS Archive
- Miscellaneous Expedition Photographs., SLS Archive
- Film Seven., SLS Archive
- Film Five., SLS Archive
- "Photocopy of Buttle's Architectural Notes"., SLS Archive
- Libya - various, SLS Archive
- General Plan of Cyrene., SLS Archive
- Cyrenaica Photographs, A5., SLS Archive