Palace of the Dux, Apollonia



Latitude: 32.901102, Longitude: 21.969117

Provenance: Google Earth

Latitude: 32.901578, Longitude: 21.969467

Provenance: Google Earth

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Feature type(s)

Government building/palace/basilica

Relationships with other locations

Parent features

  • Palace of the Dux, Apollonia on (road/linear feature) City Wall, Apollonia
  • Palace of the Dux, Apollonia forms part of Susah

Child features


Large complex building on the western hill of Apollonia, probably built between the V and the VI century AD. Its position and size, the presence of a chapel with a reliquary and some public rooms led Goodchild to identify it as the residence of the Dux. [Source: Reynolds]. Kenrick, site plan 17

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