Syrtica (Mattingly)



Latitude: 31.117141, Longitude: 16.622038 , Altitude: 1m

Provenance: Google Earth

Latitude: 30.5, Longitude: 16.5

Provenance: Pleiades

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Chapter 5 in Reynolds, IRT: The narrow coastal strip of the Sirtica, the inhospitable southern coastline of the classical Syrtis Maior, is separated from the settled coastal zone to the north-west by the desolate marshland at the mouth of the Wadis Sofeggin, Zemzem and Bei el-Kebir. It was far more closely allied in antiquity to the frontier districts of the southern slopes of the Djebel and of the Sofeggin basin than to the coastal territories of the Three Cities. Barrington Atlas map 37 and Map-by-Map Directory pp. 552 – 57

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